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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Analysis of the song ``Forsaken`` For my report I chose my favorite song, `Forsaken`, written by Jonathan Davis and Richard Gibbs for the movie `Queen of the Damned`. There are two versions of this song, the movie version, sung by its main character the vampire Lestat, and the soundtrack version sung by David Draiman of the band Disturbed. For my analysis I chose the movie version. In first, I will analyze the performer. The vampire …

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…sick of hiding his vampiric identity. So on the whole, this song is about breaking away from the hiding and freeing his vampire nature for the world. This particular song is my favorite because I am a fan and true believer of vampires, and I identify very well with them. The lyrics touch me and the melody is a soothing piece of darkness that I can truly relate to. And thus concludes my song report.